
Kilter Rural was formed in 2004 in response to institutional demand for investment in sustainable management of farmlands, water and ecosystems. In 2006 Kilter Rural attracted its first $200 million commitment to invest through its proprietary model in the renewal of rural landscapes.

Kilter Rural’s purpose is to build long-term value for investors through resilient farmland and water investments. It is one of Australia’s largest water fund managers, and manages more than $380m of water, farmland and ecosystem assets.

An information memorandum for the Kilter Agriculture Fund was approved and released in May 2023, with the Murray-Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund information memorandum approved and released in January 2021 and the Kilter Water Fund information memorandum released in March 2021.

In December 2018 Regal Funds Management Pty Limited (Regal) acquired a 50 per cent stake in Kilter Pty Ltd. Regal and Kilter Rural have aligned to drive growth and jointly extend its ‘profit with impact’ investment approach to Australian farmland and water. Regal brings expertise in financial markets, assessing and delivering risk-adjusted returns and capital raising networks.

Regal is one of Australia’s leading investment managers, specialising in alternative strategies. Since 2004 Regal has been trusted to invest on behalf of a wide range of institutional investors and high net worth individuals.

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