Seed gold in our remnants
The Kilter Rural Australian Farmlands Funds (KAFF) is dedicated to regenerating the landscapes that we are operating on. This goes beyond the paddock, Kilter takes a landscape approach to the regeneration of farmland, up to 30% of landscapes managed under the Funds will be revegetated with endemic (locally native) species of Australian Flora. Working with […]
Event: Why now for Australian farmland + water?
This event has now finished. If you are interested in accessing a recording contact our team Register now to join Angus Ingram and Euan Friday this August for two webinars delivering an update on market trends and Kilter Rural fund updates. 11:00am Monday 9th August Kilter Rural – Water Funds Update Join Kilter Rural CIO Euan […]
General Impact
Fostering strong rural communities
The Gargarro Botanic Garden will see the creation of a unique and world-class botanical installation, representing the premier regional botanic gardens destination in Australia, and the jewel in the crown of the Campaspe region. Kilter Rural is proud to support the project and the community of Girgarre. This year Kilter has committed a donation to the project. Kilter aims to foster […]
Farmland Investment General Impact
KAFF Soil Carbon Project Approved
June saw the Australian Farmlands Fund’s first soil carbon project successfully registered with the Emissions Reduction Fund(ERF), under the name Kilter Rural Lower Goulburn Soil Carbon Project. The project was registered under the ERF’s Measurement of Soil Carbon in Agricultural Systems Methodology and covers almost 200ha of irrigated cropland. It is among the first soil carbon projects to […]
Make a meaningful change to wetlands environments.
The Murray-Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund has provided investors with a 13% return since inception in December 2015[i]. However this Fund is about more than just providing strong financial returns – it also facilitates wetland rejuvenation. The Fund achieves this by donating water each year to be used for the sole purpose of inundating scientifically […]
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (‘ACCC’) Final Report
On 26 March 2021 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (‘ACCC’) Final Report[1] on its inquiry into Murray-Darling Basin water markets was released to the public. There is also a Guide[2] to the Final Report which provides a useful summary. This report builds on the preliminary findings detailed by the ACCC in their Interim Report[3], […]
Life and productivity returned to the landscape
The Winlaton depression has been looking the best it has in a long time, thanks to water for the environment. This depression, situated in northern Victoria, is a natural low point in the landscape and would have originally been a freshwater marsh that carried floodwater to the Loddon River. It has long since been cut […]
New IM released for Fund providing unique opportunity to secure water for agriculture and restore threatened wetlands
Kilter Rural with The Nature Conservancy have released an update of the Murray Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund Information Memorandum. Established in 2015 The Murray-Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund was established to demonstrate a new model for achieving enhanced water security for irrigators and benefits to rural communities while also providing water for the restoration […]